Printed Fluid Reservoirs

Pic of my OE 86.


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Stratasys uprint se using ABS
yeah.... Not a great printer for sure and a very old school business model at Stratasys - as I read it, just ABS and just Stratasys filament complete with a dongle with each roll - no dongle no print. And mega expensive too. Well built machines that are good to hack by ripping out all the Stratasys electronics :) I am using a Sovol S04 and once I get successful prints in PP and or PA12, I will share the detail. My starting points are the default settings in Cura [the slicer].
Perhaps I'm wrong about the protrusions on the brake reservoir. But I do not recall ever seeing them, but maybe they are there?? Like I said, mine are buried so I can't verify it now. ;)
Does anybody know if the brake reservoir is used on any other cars? I ask as the orientation of the outlets just does not make sense on an X. No matter which way around you install the brake reservoir, one outlet points 180 degrees in the wrong direction and it also ends up so close to the structure in the car that the hose must have a very small radius bend. I frankly cannot see why both outlets are not pointed to the same side - toward where the hoses need to go! Anyway, those I print for my own use will have the outlets corrected.
I have ordered a kilo of PP and a kilo of PA12 [both in white] and will learn by doing. Won't arrive for a few weeks which gives me time to get a dryer set up.
Have ordered a Breville All in 1 Compact Air Fryer Oven. This will enable me to properly dry PA [Nylon] and also do any post print thermal treatments if I desire. Did not go with a purpose designed filament dryer as none of them can do the temperature required for PA and I would need a separate oven as well for heat treatments.
Does anybody know if the brake reservoir is used on any other cars? I ask as the orientation of the outlets just does not make sense on an X. No matter which way around you install the brake reservoir, one outlet points 180 degrees in the wrong direction and it also ends up so close to the structure in the car that the hose must have a very small radius bend. I frankly cannot see why both outlets are not pointed to the same side - toward where the hoses need to go! Anyway, those I print for my own use will have the outlets corrected.

I have fitted a reservoir out of a 92 Toyota Estima, it fits pretty well but the outlet pipes are bigger so need a reducing fitting.

But now I have 3d printers I might give it a go...

Have ordered a Breville All in 1 Compact Air Fryer Oven. This will enable me to properly dry PA [Nylon] and also do any post print thermal treatments if I desire. Did not go with a purpose designed filament dryer as none of them can do the temperature required for PA and I would need a separate oven as well for heat treatments.
Arrived. Waiting for filament, due on the 19th
Arrived. Waiting for filament, due on the 19th
PA12 arrived yesterday - well ahead of schedule. Dryer still in box :) Working on the model - adding some text [material, date printed, etc] then final draft print in PLA [highest resolution, all final features]. Need to set up dryer, dry PA12 and then....
So devil's advocate, I don't know lots about 3d printing, but is the interface between each layer a liability for failure? If a crack develops at some point down the road and you lose all brake fluid, it would be a sorry day. Is 3D printing the best solution to the lack of availability? I suppose a better question is, how do you ensure that a reservoir will be at least as strong as a stock injected one? Being water tight is important, but being able to stand up to nvh is another issue.
So devil's advocate, I don't know lots about 3d printing, but is the interface between each layer a liability for failure? If a crack develops at some point down the road and you lose all brake fluid, it would be a sorry day. Is 3D printing the best solution to the lack of availability? I suppose a better question is, how do you ensure that a reservoir will be at least as strong as a stock injected one? Being water tight is important, but being able to stand up to nvh is another issue.
No different to any other manufacturing process. Get it wrong and you get dud results. In the case of printed parts, use a real material with the right conditions and you get high performance. PA and PP are good materials with god interlayer bonding. In general, when you see layers separating [in any printed material], that is a sign of poor temperature control during print. Too low at the print head and or too cool a bed and or allowing ambient air to cool the part too fast during print.

Summary - like ALL made parts, the quality of the outcome is a direct result of the quality of the raw materials and the process control.

3D printing has two primary streams. Mostly it is pure hobby where the colour of the part is key :) and people want cheap filament. Users are not technical or patient. Yeah, I know, there are some hard core people out there printing figurines etc to very high standards - but regardless, most 3d printing is of non-functional parts. The industry knows where the money is so most 3d printers have limited capabilities and most filament sold is made in bulk, sold via multi-layer 3rd parties and does not have tech data available [ooooo shiny!]

The smaller stream is of people who are doing functional prototypes and very low volume end use parts. Filament for this market is more expensive [is actual engineering material] and machines need higher capabilities. Filament has actual data sheets and test results to recognized standardized testing. There are plenty of published test results that look at printing parameters and inter-layer bonding effect on end performance. This is where I sit :)

Should anybody who owns any kind of 3D printer rush out and print a reservoir in any old material? Of course not and the same is true of machined parts and welded parts. You need to know what you are doing.

As for mechanical durability - yep, no way am I doing FIAT level durability work. And nor are any of the vendors of any non-FIAT parts out there :)
PA12 arrived yesterday - well ahead of schedule. Dryer still in box :) Working on the model - adding some text [material, date printed, etc] then final draft print in PLA [highest resolution, all final features]. Need to set up dryer, dry PA12 and then....
PP arrived and now the holdup is all me...
Wow.... I really shoulda considered doing this rather than relocating the reservoirs and printing a mount for them. PA12 is great, looking forward to seeing the final result.