Mitutoyo Virtual Museum Tour


Bernice Loui
Happened across this virtual tour of the Mitutoyo museum in Japan.. Interesting and fascinating for those with an interest in Metrology.

Put the "circle" on the video display screens to watch the video or to move close for a better look at the exhibit stuff.
This virtual tour appears to be designed for VR..

Side note, Mitutoyo and Swiss/German measuring tools have been part of parts making since learning how to do this machine tool stuff decades ago.
This was highly influenced by the master model maker that taught/apprenticed these skills decades ago. He had an absolute bias towards Swiss/German made measuring tools, noted by Mitutoyo being an excellent value.. Since then, Hexagon/Tesa/Brown & Sharpe (Sweden) went off into automated measuring tools as did the Germans (Zeiss CMM)..

Today, vast majority of measuring tools in the shop are Mitutoyo, Etalon, Tesa/Brown & Sharpe, Kafer, Compac/Interapid, Mahr measuring tools..

What is notable, measuring tools from China can be a very good value (specially for measuring tools not often used).. if carefully selected and tested/checked for accuracy/precision.
